Blog: owner tips

dog owner

Does Your Dog Know When You Are Sick or Sad?

Did you ever notice how your pets are able to sense when you are ill or sad? They are great at picking up ‘cues’ that something isn’t right and we need the extra cuddles.

senior dog

Senior Pets

The senior stage of a pets life can be a wonderful, but sometimes difficult time. It’s difficult that pets age so much faster than us. Common things we see in our senior pets include slowing down, difficulty getting around, decreased hearing and sight, sometimes a decreased sense of smell.


Dogs and Bird Seed

We all like to see the birds in the yard, and many of us have set up feeders in the yard to watch them and offer up good things to eat. One thing though that we should be aware of is that the food is for the birds and not...

dog baby

Bring Home a New Baby to Your Pets

Recently one of our staff went on maternity leave (congrats!), and this got us thinking about what to do to make the transition of a new little person to the home much smoother on your pet.