Client Education Nights – Numbers Don’t Make the Night

We have just started something new here at the clinic – Client Education Nights. Hoping to have one in each quarter of the year. The first one was last month on Preventative Dental Care – What You Can Do at Home. It was in conjunction with our Dental Focus that we have had on for the first quarter of the year. We had it all planned it out, sent out emails, Facebook, website, and flyers and posters in the clinic.

We were all excited and prepared. Those who were speaking had all information together and prepared. Food and prizes ready. Chairs brought from home to fill the treatment area. All set. Then on the night we only had a very few clients come out. Not many but, boy were we glad to have them. We did our “spiel,” talked up a good storm and gave out information on stuff we knew. It was fun. We made sure that those there had an informative night (and they were fortunate with the draw). It was a great start, and we know we can grow from here. The best part was those that did come out said “they learned a lot of information they didn’t know” and this is the reason, regardless of the numbers in the crowd that we are doing the nights! Please join us for any of the ones that interest you and your family. Next one is in April – “Tick Talk.”

Written by Lisa Clifford