Blog: General

dog on couch

Did You Know That November 7th Is National Canine Lymphoma Awareness Day?

It all began when Terry Simons, a dog trainer and agility competitor, in 2011 found out that his beloved dog Reveille was diagnosed with Lymphoma.

sick dog

Sweet but Deadly!

Ethylene glycol, commonly found in antifreeze, is a toxic substance to canines. It is attractive to them, due to its sweet smell and taste.

Dog Socializing

Introducing Your New Dog to Your Resident Dog

Recently my roommate adopted a 5-month-old Corgi to move in with us. I already have a 1.5-year-old Collie/Shepherd mix who tends to be protective of her property. I’ll be honest; I was nervous about their first meeting!


Halloween Anxiety with All the Trick or Treaters

The ringing of the doorbell and the sound of little people coming up to the house on Halloween night is lots of fun for the most of us, however, can cause your pet to be quite anxious or even look for ways to escape.