Blog: Pet Wellness

dog owner

Does Your Dog Know When You Are Sick or Sad?

Did you ever notice how your pets are able to sense when you are ill or sad? They are great at picking up ‘cues’ that something isn’t right and we need the extra cuddles.

dog baby

Bring Home a New Baby to Your Pets

Recently one of our staff went on maternity leave (congrats!), and this got us thinking about what to do to make the transition of a new little person to the home much smoother on your pet.

Dog staring at marijuana leaf

Marijuana Toxicity in Dogs

As marijuana becomes more available, we have seen more poisoning in our clinic. We need to be more careful about having it around our pets. Recreational “pot” is a moderate to severe toxic to our pets.

golden r

Spring Cleaning your Pet

As we approach the warmer weather and look to do some “spring cleaning” in our homes, consider doing this with your pet as well.